SMART Family Literacy has an opportunity for your company or organization to get involved no matter if you wish to donate $250 or $10,000.
Make Space for Reading
is a summer reading challenge from May 4th through September 8th! Donations from sponsors help SMART Family Literacy purchase books for kids for their home libraries. This improves their access to summer reading, even if the public library is out of reach for them. Let's help all kids read 20 books while school is out for summer. Your business will be acknowledged on each book you help us buy.
Journey to Oz Literacy Luncheon
is a fundraiser and silent auction on September 14th from 11:30 to 1:30. Tickets will go on sale July 9th. Sponsorships are available now.
Andrew's Birthday Fundraiser
on December 18th raises funds to buy books for babies. SMART Family Literacy gives books to babies, toddlers, and pre-school children through partnerships with UTMB's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), UTMB Pediatric Clinics, creative direct giving to childcare centers, and SMART Heart Partners' guest reading in childcare centers.

Want to become a sponsor? Contact us

SMART Family Literacy is a non-profit, public charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN 27-0098569
Contact Executive Director, Liz Turner, at (409) 771- 4155 by text or email turner@smartfamilyliteracy.org